Seating areas with seamlessly embedded IoT systems can restore passenger confidence and boost airport revenues.
Seating areas with seamlessly embedded IoT systems can restore passenger confidence and boost airport revenues.
The services created by IoT (internet of things) and AI (artificial intelligence) make public spaces seamless and smart. Today, the air travel industry is investing heavily in them. This requires smart approaches to placemaking interiors and making digital technologies meaningful, accessible, and safe. The industry is starting to recognise the potential for IoT integration in seating area and new innovative solutions are making it possible to bring IoT directly to the passenger experience and make it part of a safe and seamless journey.
Great design attracts people. The objective is to create waiting areas where passengers want to spend time and unwind and recharge while transitioning through the airport. These places appeal strongly to passengers, making them perfect environments for embedding IoT systems. Innovative public space furniture can conceal equipment such as cabling, transmitters, connector boxes, and circuitry, and integrate speakers, cameras, and screens discreetly into the surroundings. Creating a welcoming, tech-enabled area such as these attract passengers, bringing them closer to IoT-enabled equipment and commercial services.
Integrating IoT systems into seating areas makes them part of the passenger flow, and can increase engagement with airport networks and digital advertising. In the short term, IoT technologies can help restore retail and F&B net revenues to pre-pandemic levels. Long-term projections indicate they could boost net revenues above baseline projections as air travel returns to normal.
As IoT maximises passenger satisfaction, it opens new horizons for smarter placemaking. Consider how the right public space furniture with embedded IoT, and take passenger experience and safety to higher levels.
This content was originally published by Green Furniture Concepts.