23 Feb 2023

Timber for tomorrow.

The world's only renewable building material.

Wood is a sustainability champion. Recyclable, biodegradable and capable of storing carbon it is one of the most sustainable materials, and when harvested responsibly, it is the only truly renewable building material. A renewable resource is one that can be replaced as quickly as it is harvested, or within a reasonable time period. When forests are managed in keeping with responsible forestry practises, it enables natural forest regeneration and creates climate change-resilient forests.

It is well known that trees absorb carbon dioxide, emit oxygen and store carbon as they grow and lesser known is that the stored carbon remains locked away once they are harvested and made into wood products for furniture or construction. This sequestered carbon remains stored in the wood for the life of the product.

By using solid timber products for office fitouts, we can help to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere by storing it in wood products instead.

A better choice, naturally.

Timber furniture is known for its durability and longevity. And also it’s ability to reduce stress and anxiety in the workplace.

Humans actively seek out connections with nature wherever possible and studies have shown that employees who work in offices with wooden furniture have higher levels of concentration, well-being in general and happiness. A recent Australian survey found that the more natural materials and surfaces workers could see from their workstation, the higher their workplace satisfaction and wellbeing. The percentage of respondents who reported being ‘satisfied or very satisfied’ with work jumped from 53% in workplaces with no wooden surfaces, up to 82% in workplaces with 8 or more wooden surfaces.*

If you are looking for inspiration on how to bring wood into the workplace, consider:

Timber is a natural and versatile material that has become increasingly popular in workplace furniture due to its many benefits. Timber furniture is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it is also durable, sustainable, and has a positive impact on the environment. Additionally, using timber in workplace furniture can improve employee well-being and productivity by creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Timber is also easy to maintain and can be easily integrated into a variety of design styles, making it a great choice for any office or workspace. Overall, the use of timber in workplace furniture is a great way to add a touch of nature and warmth to any environment while also providing functional and sustainable furnishings.

*Pollinate 2018 Survey

Explore our ranges of solid timber tables and workstations for offices.

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