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Innovative craftsmanship and advanced technologies - Italian made designer furniture.

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spalliere   q


Italian made history spanning over 40 years

Cizeta’s story began over 40 years ago and has always been linked to the production of chairs, along a continuous path of growth and research.

Their collection has been constantly evolving, always offering new models, and providing a comprehensive selection in terms of style, setting and use. Especially dedicated to the contract sector, Cizeta’s chairs are protagonists of countless interior design projects and are appreciated for their aesthetic, qualitative and functional features.

Harrows stocks a range of raw Cizeta products, providing access to global design furniture with personalized finishes and domestic lead times.

Local know-how, global values

Cizeta is a family business who thinks with a long-term perspective and strongly believes that to build the future we need to keep the past alive. These values remain alive in daily operations through personal relationships with customers, suppliers and all workers who, in many cases, have been part of their family generation after generation.

Their commitment to environmental and social sustainability is an essential aspect for Cizeta and their heart lies with wood.

Wood is a living, warm and natural material that should be managed with intelligence and a sense of environmental responsibility, not to endanger the precious forestry resources of the entire planet. Cizeta products use wood from controlled regrow forests certified by FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®), in line with international “green building” standards.



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