Global GreenTag Cert™

Global GreenTag is an established, globally trusted and independent product certification standard.

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Global GreenTag Cert™

A range of Harrows’ own NZ made designs carry GreenRate™ Level C certification and PlatinumHEALTH™ HealthRATE™ certifications under the Global GreenTag International Product Health Declaration™ (GreenTag PHD™) program.

Global GreenTagCert™ (operated by Global GreenTag International) is an established, globally trusted and independent product certification standard. It is one of the world’s most trusted and widely recognised ecolabels. Its certification marks are recognised in New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, South Africa, Africa and SE Asia and over 70 other countries. Its robust certification system and marks assures that every product is fitness tested and assessed using the world’s best scientific methods. It is also a tool to cut through greenwashing and misleading product claims to empower professionals to confidently choose products that have been made in the most ethical and planet-friendly way possible.

For more information about Global GreenTag, visit online.



GreenRate Certification is recognised in the Green Star® tools with the NZGBC and GBCA, by HomeStarNZ®, and compliant with specific IWBI® WELL™ features under V1.0 and v2.0. Harrows products are certified Level C – in the Green Star® NZ program Level C carries 50% of the credit points. A copy of each GreenRate certificate can be downloaded from individual product resources, or below.


Product Health Declarations (PHDs)

GreenTag Product Health Declarations, including PlatinumHEALTH™ HealthRATE™ certifications provide a healthiness of the product in use, and full transparency of material ingredients and their hazards. HealthRATE is recognised in GBCA’s Green Star® tools. The GreenTag PHD™ is recognised by WELL™ and LEED®. A copy of each Product Health Declaration can be downloaded from individual product resources, or below.


Browse our GreenRate™ and PlatinumHEALTH™ HealthRATE™ certified products.

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